I think its great how some people are so good with not letting things get to them – like my mom for example, if someone told her something negative, she’d have a, “fuck off” type of attitude and maybe punch them in the face then go on about her day like nothing was ever said or happened. Me on the other hand, being a sensitive sally, I let stuff get to me and I can’t shake it off as easily. Especially if I know I didn’t do anything wrong. What really bothers me is that I don’t understand how he can appear to be so cool with everyone else, yet say shitty remarks towards me….? Its like what did I do to you to be disrespectful towards me? I suppose those questions are apart of a class I should never sign up for…. I’m the type of person who likes to see circumstances as “lessons learned,” but I don’t know about this one…? The only thing to come out of it was hurt feelings – I guess maybe a reminder of why I should go solo.