Why do you do what you do?

Oh how I missed the crisp October nights… Is it weird that I love to hear the sound of crickets chirping in the night as I have the window cracked open ? I feel like it has been so long since the last time I got to sit in my bed before 8:00pm. Although I love my days, I’ll still always love the nights were I can just sit on my bed, in my pj’s, with my laptop on my lap. I might add the night is topped with a nice little glass of Cupcake Pinot Nior. I know it’s nothing fancy, but it’s still good! Have you tried it? It’s great if your on a budget! It’s also nice that my dogs are calm, laying down in their doggy beds and with me in my room. I got to thinking this evening how much I missed the days where I felt I could just “write.” You know, write without a specific purpose or because I have drafted or brainstorm ideas to make sure there is a constant flow of materials. Tonight is the night where I just get to write the way I origina...