The "Other Side"

For many years I believed the only person who could truly bring me happiness was myself.  I think it was this reason that bandaged the wounds of living independently - too independently.

Don't get me wrong, I think one of the best qualities in a person is them being able to stand on their own two feet and support themselves in all ways, especially financially.  If there is one thing I take pleasure in, its knowing I can do just that.  However,  it shouldn't be a justification in claiming you don't need anyone - by anyone, I mean a partner in life.

So can I do mostly everything on my own? Pretty much. If I can't, I'll find the way to pay someone no matter my financial circumstances.  Even though I have not changed as a person, my views continue to change....I'm finding that even though I have and will continue to bring my own happiness, there is something much more that comes along with a committed, loving companionship.  I like to see this kind of happiness as a puzzle you have have assembled.  Maybe its missing 3 or 4 pieces, and even though you can still see the picture the puzzle portrays, its still incomplete and will always stay incomplete if you miss whats on the other side.... and that is a happiness that you cannot find alone.

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