The Feeling

Maya Angelou once said, "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

I came across this quote years ago and it was one that always kinda stuck with me.  I guess because I really found truth in it - in many situations...

It is undeniable we were all given things which we excel and things which we are weak in.  I don't know if its just me or if others feel this way, but there are many times I feel I have failed or didn't meet the expectations that where set. Worse, I have developed a bad habit of lingering on it and not letting it go.  Nevertheless, I admire those who are self-disciplined enough to not let these type of situations effect them or their perception of self.  The good thing is that self-discipline can be worked on.

One way to help me shake it off was to go back to a time were someone had made me feel important.  Like Maya's quote, I don't remember what it was that person said, but i do remember how this person made me feel. Important. Made me feel my skills where needed, valued and worth developing because they knew what I was capable of; However, no matter what someone thinks your capable of, what good is it if you don't even know what your capable of yourself?  

 I just think going to a place (according to the situation) where someone made you feel good in anyway, is one way to maintain a positive outlook within ourselves.  Our cars need maintenance.  Our homes need it...why don't we? Most importantly, I think its even better we be the ones to make someone feel good as well.  Just as that one person made me feel years ago, I hope I can bring the same feeling to someone else.

IDEA FOR THIS BLOG: In an upcoming you tube video, I will introduce to you an idea this blog has inspired me to do.  I'll call it, "The Feel Good Box." So be sure to tune in and subscribe to the following link:

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