Goodbye, Butterflies

Do you remember the days when liking someone was just enough?  For some, it didn't matter how they treated you, what kind of attention the gave or didn't give to you, whether or not they had goals, who their friends were, how they got along with their family, if they were reliable, responsible, and whether or not they would make a good father... or mother.

When I was in high school, I chose the boys who were cute because they gave me "butterflies"; up into my mid-twenty's I chose the guys who had a nice face, muscular body, and who knew how to have fun because they gave me excitement...and you know what that got me? A LOT of good pictures LOL! J/K :-) No...but seriously, I was shallow, but then again can we really help who we are attracted to and how they make us feel?  Nevertheless, I found that its not about choosing the guy because of who he is, how he is, or how "excited" he makes you feel - its about choosing for you.

As the years go by, we slowly discover what we want, but more importantly if your lucky, you gained the strength to walk away from what you want when you know its wrong - maybe not so much wrong because this person was bad, but wrong because you couldn't gain certainty; this is when I realized we should stop making decisions based off of how we "feel," and instead start making decisions based off what we deserve.

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