
I remember the year I heard one of those eye-opening quotes - to me, it was simply... the truth, and isn't that all we ever want to know?

It was 2008 when I read the following quote by Dale Carnegie: "Two men looked out from prison bars, one saw the mud, the other saw stars.”

I couldn't have read these words at a better time, and to this day, I have to remind myself that we're never defeated by what life throws our way, we're defeated by our very own thoughts.  The funny thing is, we hold the key to them both.

If there's something we can all relate to, its coming across an event that didn't come out the way we had hoped - something we wanted, yet it became something we lost.  Perspective says you can choose to be defeated by an unfavorable situation, or you can choose to be empowered by it.

Whatever it is that happens in our life that didn't turn out in our favor is opportunity in disguise.  Instead of disappointment taking over you - you use disappointment to serve your purpose. Let hurt ignite geniusness, let failure spark determination, let loneliness inspire creativity, but no matter what the situation may be, perspective allows you to use it to your advantage.

We can't always have things go our way, but by having the right perspective, we can choose to have the better way.  Perspective  gives you the option of becoming the sad story, or creating the great one that will forever be told. 

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