Will Power

Its been a year since I started training for my first competition, and even though I may have "lost" in the competition, I've come to learn that I have won much more in many different ways...

One of the most difficult parts of training was saying no to all of my favorite sweet foods.  Specifically chocolate chip cookies. To deny something you know you want, something you know you love, and something you know you can easily have - as it lays right in front of you and having to say "no," is somewhat a realization of how efficacious will power truly is once you have made the decision you will only say yes to what you need because you know its going to get you exactly where you want to be; the reason for saying no to certain foods (in my case cookies) is knowing the facts...the facts about knowing what I was putting in my body and how it was only going to take me further away from my goals.

Sometimes knowing the facts, for lack of better words, sucks...because now you know your going to have to make decisions that you really don't want to have to make.

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