
Its probably pointless to state the obvious:  We all have strengths.  We all have weaknesses.  Unfortunately, I am more confident in declaring my weaknesses then I am in declaring my strengths; however, at least I allow myself to be vulnerable by admitting to them both.

At times my mind get so warped around a a situation - it causes me to loose sleep.  Does this ever happen to you too?  Where your mind re-plays whatever "life event" has changed...in a less then favorable way?

Thankfully, I've come to accept this "weakness" and even though I come to realize it will probably never go away, I have learned, it is treatable.  This is where the decision of who you choose to keep in your life is critical.

I'm not a doctor so I could be wrong, but I'd like to view weaknesses similar to how one would view  arthritis.  There may never be a cure, but with the right treatment it is in fact controlable - preventable from getting worse.

I'm a believer in that we shouldn't be dependent on people (friends, boyfriends/girlfriends, family etc.) for "fixing" us, but moreover, to compliment the areas where improvement is needed because making things better can only come from yourself.  With the right people, weaknesses are strengthened and not frowned upon.


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