
Showing posts from March, 2013

Winning Failures

“We are all failures- at least the best of us are.”  ―  J.M. Barrie It's funny how letting go of certain fears and "blocks" can bring you to a more accepting, creative, and positive frame of mind; it's like being able to see the bottom of the ocean after the waves have calmed... Not to say those who "win" gain nothing, but those who have lost, gain much more when they can actually defeat the "loss."  It takes much courage, determination, and heart for someone to rise above when their hopes have been spiritually bruised. These are the ones that have the great stories, make great examples, and become the great inspirations. (i.e. Walt Disney, Lucille Ball, Dr. Seuss) In the past, I have won and it felt great. I loved the attention, and the praise for my victory and hard work.  I have also lost, wept, and let myself feel inferior in some of my endeavors.  The "win" was my " high" the "loss" was my "...

Quote for the Day

"Humility is not denying your strengths; humility is being honest about your weakness" - Pastor Warren

God Never Waists a Hurt

I came across something I thought could be interesting to some readers…. According to Pastor Rick Warren, he says that there are five things that “SHAPE” a person, they are: SPIRITUAL-   What is your gift?  Everyone is gifted to do something! HEART- What do I love?  We all have different passions. ABILITY-                    What is my natural inclination?  Some people are really good with money, animals, people…etc.                            PERSONALITY-         Some people enjoy routine or variety…this will depend on our purpose. EXPERIENCES-         Vocational   Family- good and bad Educational- what we learn at school Spiritual                       ...