God Never Waists a Hurt

I came across something I thought could be interesting to some readers….

According to Pastor Rick Warren, he says that there are five things that “SHAPE” a person, they are:

What is your gift?  Everyone is gifted to do something!

What do I love?  We all have different passions.

What is my natural inclination?  Some people are really good with money, animals, people…etc.       
Some people enjoy routine or variety…this will depend on our purpose.

Family- good and bad
Educational- what we learn at school
And my personal favorite…  

Painful experiences

I read that God never wastes a hurt, and to me, this is because it is meant to be used for something good…something better.  Every time something negative or hurtful happened in my life – something better came along, and it seems to come in the mist of my blindness: a friend, opportunity, and an idea…a change.  Assuming everyone is hurting or has been hurt at some time or another, may be it could bring a little comfort in knowing that there is a more powerful and useful reason for the reasons in which you have been brought pain.

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