Winning Failures

“We are all failures- at least the best of us are.” 

It's funny how letting go of certain fears and "blocks" can bring you to a more accepting, creative, and positive frame of mind; it's like being able to see the bottom of the ocean after the waves have calmed...

Not to say those who "win" gain nothing, but those who have lost, gain much more when they can actually defeat the "loss."  It takes much courage, determination, and heart for someone to rise above when their hopes have been spiritually bruised. These are the ones that have the great stories, make great examples, and become the great inspirations. (i.e. Walt Disney, Lucille Ball, Dr. Seuss)

In the past, I have won and it felt great. I loved the attention, and the praise for my victory and hard work.  I have also lost, wept, and let myself feel inferior in some of my endeavors.  The "win" was my "high" the "loss" was my "motivation."  However, no matter the outcome, I wouldn't say I always came out a winner, but I always came out "above."

The good thing about failure is you have the option of seeing it in different ways: Failure by definition or  failure by perspective. You can let it take you down or let it bring you up, but either way its bound to lead you somewhere.

Don't let failure build road blocks, let it provide a new path. If your still breathing, you have something left to give.

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