Well, well, well…I guess some things one shouldn’t take to heart. You put something out there for the public to criticize and you best believe people will give their opinion whether it be good or bad…duh!!! LOL With that being the case, I believe it never means their right and it never means their wrong. To me, everything is about perspectives. The good thing about perspectives is that you get to believe what’s right for you.
Lately I feel like I’ve been rejected left and right non-stop! Sometimes I wonder how much more a soul can take, but I do have to remind myself this is something I chose to do. I guess my take on that is that rejection is part of the recipe to my definition of success. I know whatever I do in my life this rejection has made me better in certain areas. What they are I may not know at this moment, but I have to have faith that the answers will surface later and that it will all turn out for the better.
On the other hand, it has also made me weak in some areas too. It’s hard to keep trying…I think half the battle has been believing in myself, but sometimes when you hear the word “no” so much you start to believe that’s the only answer.
I just know that at the end of the night I lay with a good conscious, I’m proud of my decisions and grateful for the opportunities I’ve had. I do what I do because it makes me happy... and the one to please should always be me.