The Move to LA
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Category: Life
I met up with a friend for tea today and we got to talking and she asked me about my move to L.A., so I began to tell her my story – my story that I totally forgot about!! Lol However, it got me to thinking about the year I moved here and how I felt – how hard it was knowing NO ONE, having NO money, NO place to live, and all the while being heartbroken because I was dumped by my (then) boyfriend. Lol…
I moved to L.A in the summer of 2005. When I moved here I didn’t have a home. (Originally I am from the Merced/Modesto area here in California.) I was offered a go-go gig every weekend at a club downtown Long Beach. At the time I had a 1997 4 door Honda Accord. Since I knew I would be bringing in an income soon, I decided to stay in my car until I found a place to live. I stood near a 24hr Fitness Center because of the bright lighting at night (plus the neighborhood looked nice) and after work I would go in and take my showers. They gave me a two week free pass, which I thought would be perfect because it would give me two weeks to find something; Luckily, I didn’t have to sleep in my car for more then a week.
I ended up renting out a room and had AMAZING roommates! It was a nice condo and it was in a great neighborhood. I remember I didn’t even have a bed and all I had was clothes stuffed in boxes right next to the wall. The first day I moved in, my car got towed! It sucked – but my new roommate let me take the amount I owed for the towing company, out of my deposit. Since it took me awhile to start saving and catching up, I use to eat some of their (roomates) food! Lol, yes, I was THAT roommate who ate your food lol BUT only in the beginning!! Lol
I remember I cried every night for a month or two because of the new circumstances I was in; however, within that month I FINALLY bought a cheap, uncomfortable bed. Slowly but surely as the months went by, my room started looking like a REAL, cozy room – it started to become my home. I would say it took me a good year before thoughts of moving back home no longer surfaced my mind.
Looking back, I realize every tear and broke moment was worth it. I’m SO grateful for that experience; not only because it taught me a lot, but because I also met TWO amazing people. (One of which I am still REALLY close to) Also, it seems as though things get more difficult and the more upset you become – happiness lurks just around the corner.
I’m glad I hung in there because by sticking with it, I had – had the best times of my life! I’ve had AWESOME job opportunities and met some pretty cool people ☺