The Situation

I think it would be safe to say we have all gone through some pivotal turn point in our lives, right?  That one situation that either hurt us...maybe it made us stronger...maybe it made us grateful...maybe it just made us smarter the second time around, but have you ever looked back at that "shitty" experience and thought, "that absolutely did nothing for me."  "I already knew that.." "I learned nothing?"

For years I looked back at one of the worst decisions I ever made.  Actually, maybe my desions weren't that bad, they were only human; I cared.  I loved.  I just chose to make these decsions with the wrong person; however, for years I saw certain "events" in my life as a waste.  I was angry I couldn't take those "moments" back, but more upset because I thought I went through all that "horribleness" and gained nothing out of it....nothing that would make me "wiser."  Then I realized, maybe my experiences are not necessarily made for me...

Is it a coincident that sometimes you'll come across a quote that makes you feel better about what your going though? Maybe someone will say something that you couldn't have heard at a better time?  Or even more so, why do we go out there and actively find quotes that inspire us...make us feel encouraged, focused in some way?  Words are meant to be heard/read at the right moments.  

The only way I have accepted certain parts of my past, is knowing that someday maybe my daughter, my son, or a friend will benefit from my experiences or maybe even a complete stranger.  If this is the case, then I guess all those times in my life I once thought of as "shitty" were truly worth living though.

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