Three Trees

The moral of this story always makes me feel better....

There were three trees in the forest.  The trees were discussing their future plans. One tree wanted to be a big war boat that was involved in many legendary battles. The other laughed and claim that he wanted to be a beautiful home somewhere really nice. The third, wanted to be a powerful weapon.

Well, as you would have had it, things didn't go as planned. The trees, to their disappointment, were cut down by mankind to be used for other purposes...

The tree that wanted to be the powerful war boat ended becoming a cradle that held baby Jesus. The tree that dreamt of being a big cathedral ended up becoming a manger that provided shelter and safety to Mary and Joseph as they prepared for Jesus anticipated arrival,  and the last tree that wanted to be a weapon ended up becoming a ...cross. The cross that Jesus carried and crucified on. 

You see...our lives may not go as planned because sometimes God has a bigger and better plan for us. 

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